February 20, 2008

How are you planning to upgrade your NLB clusters to W2K8?

Windows Server 2008 is launching on February 27th. This is an extremely exciting date for all of us here in Windows Server, especially in the High Availability team. Of course, for you, this means learning about all the cool new features in this release and planning your deployment; something you might have already started.

For those of you who have workloads being load balanced using Network Load Balancing (NLB), and who are planning to deploy W2K8 there, I’d like to drop a quick note that NLB supports rolling upgrades.

Take a look at the NLB rolling upgrade guide:


(Note: pretty soon, we’ll have a full NLB deployment guide online. Once that happens, I will update this link.)

Even if you are not planning to perform an in-place upgrade of your W2K3 cluster nodes to W2K8 (maybe the hardware requirements for W2K8 are not met), you can still minimize the down time of your NLB-clustered application(s) by joining the new W2K8 machines to your existing W2K3 NLB cluster as you transition to a W2K8-only setup.

Good luck!


Ahmed Bisht
Program Manager
Clustering and High Availability – Microsoft

Source : blogs.msdn.com/clustering

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