April 10, 2008

Why Windows Vista only sees 3GB memory in a PC with 4GB RAM and how Vista SP1 fools its users

Memory is getting cheaper every day. This is one reason why more and more people are equipping their PCs with 4GB RAM or more. Modern desktops often support up to 8GB. So it happens quite often these days that a proud owner of a new a PC wonders why Vista only reports about 3GB RAM even though he bought 4GB. I have been asked this question by several people within the last weeks. Some of them were IT pros, so I thought I should post something about it here. The things I say in this post mostly apply to Windows XP as well.

Read this post at 4sysops.com

How to Check A WordPress Site's PHP Version (& Upgrade Compatibility)

If you notice that your WordPress hosting provider is not running PHP 7, but has it available to its users, you may want to consider making ...