March 13, 2009


WuInstall is a command line tool for windows, which enables you to install windows-updates for a certain workstation in a controlled way by using a command line script instead of the standard window update functionality.

WuInstall uses the windows update API and is written in C++. It searches either on the Microsoft - Update - Server or at the internal WSUS-Sever (depending on system configuration) for currently available updates for the current workstation and can also download and/or installs these updates

Usage: WUInstall.exe [/search | /download | /install | /help]
/search -> Searches only for available downloads
/download -> Searches and downloads updates
/install -> Searches and downloads and installs update
Return codes: 0  ... sucessful, no reboot required
              1  ... at least one error occured, no reboot required
              2  ... no more updates availabed
              20 ... sucessful, reboot required
              21 ... at least one error occured, reboot required
Copyright by hs2n Informationstechnologie GmbH 2009

Source :

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