June 8, 2011

Access Is Underrated: Your Hatred Of Microsoft Access Is Largely Unjustified

Luke Chung of FMS, Inc. has published an interesting article on the Enterprise Features site that discusses some of the negative perceptions about Access, especially within enterprise settings. Luke argues that Access can be a big productivity booster for individuals and teams in the enterprise, and that IT departments should not put restrictions on the use of Access. Here's an excerpt:

"Organizations should recognize end users and line of business managers can create a lot of solutions on their own and are best equipped to do so (like giving bullets to infantry). These solutions should be considered tactical (special forces) not strategic (nuclear weapons) and should not be held to the same standards. Get things done quickly and moving on is the key to being nimble."

See Luke's article here.

Source : blogs.office.com/b/microsoft-access

How to Check A WordPress Site's PHP Version (& Upgrade Compatibility)

If you notice that your WordPress hosting provider is not running PHP 7, but has it available to its users, you may want to consider making ...