March 18, 2016

Previewing Server 2016 TP4: Temporary Group Memberships

Hello, Ryan Ries here again with some juicy new Active Directory hotness. Windows Server 2016 is right around the corner, and it’s bringing a ton of new features and improvements with it. Today we’re going to talk about one of the new things you’ll be seeing in Active Directory, which you might see referred to as “expiring links,” or what I like to call “temporary group memberships.”

One of the challenges that every security-conscious Active Directory administrator has faced is how to deal with contractors, vendors, temporary employees and anyone else who needs temporary access to resources within your Active Directory environment. Let’s pretend that your Information Security team wants to perform an automated vulnerability scan of all the devices on your network, and to do this, they will need a service account with Domain Administrator privileges for 5 business days. Because you are a wise AD administrator, you don’t like the idea of this service account that will be authenticating against every device on the network having Domain Administrator privileges, but the CTO of the company says that you have to give the InfoSec team what they want.

(Trust me, this stuff really happens.)

Source : Ask the Directory Services Team

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